Twenty Teacher Questions for Summer School Teachers* in 2021
1.) Name The best and worst of 2020 and best of 2021
2.) What world do you want?
3.). What in the world do you want?
4.). Who do you want in your world?
5.) The Question as ESSAY
Dear Robert Reich : America took at least 71 million perhaps only mildly delusional people with comorbidities of unknown onset and socially isolated them for 18 months. Prior to that they were given addictive prescription pain medications, alcohol, tobacco, and high fructose corn syrup. The males in this group were trained to stuff down their emotions and lie as needed to move through life. NOW, does it begin to dawn upon America exactly how we sabotaged our Democratic Republic?
Accepting, allowing, acquiescence, accommodation and or appeasement with racists, anarchists, fascists, homophobes, transphobes, misogynists, deniers of manmade climate disasters and poisonings is a recipe for genocide, homicide, suicide and murder.
6.) Now that I have summarized life in the USA for all time that humans have been known to walk the Earth --- Do Current Events FINALLY DEMAND OUR IMMEDIATE AND UNDIVIDED ATTENTION?
8.) When will we acknowledge the 9.) faces behind our masks?
10.) When will hand washing be a 100% compliance task?
11.) When will social distancing become the default SOP IN all public settings?
12.) When will my credit union re-open it's public restrooms?
13.) When will having ENOUGH of anything for ONE PERSON be normal and just fine ever again?
14.) When will it finally be okay to be encouraged NOT TO BE or NEVER TO BECOME a
spoiled brat,
theiving lawyer, judge, ex-POTUS/VPOTUS/JSCOTUS, owner, supervisor, legislator, government employee, doctor, teacher, nurse, and or law enforcement officer?
15.) When do we all acknowledge that greed and gluttony were never good and or healthy?
16.) When will I ever have the opportunity for healthy, safe, soulful and satisfying gay male dating?
17.) When will people who are not:
Pregnant women,
Woman who potentially become pregnant,
Melatoninated people,
LGBTQIA+, and or
Education consumers;
stop making laws governing these groups without their full collaboration and documented consensus?
We should never allow people whose lives have never been impacted permanently by abortion to write or cast deciding legislative chamber ballots for anti-abortion laws, for example.
18.) When will we, once and for all, disincentivize all the vices with permanent paid internships as Martian pioneers and lifetime mandated supervised psychotherapy? No exceptions.
19.) When will we prioritize health maintenance and disease prevention over (urgent care, EMT care, palliative care) = ( sickly, dying(?), nearly dead care)?
20.) When will we realize the only way forward is through
Bugs Bunny,
Boon docks,
Paul Mooney,
Baba Griot Dick Gregory,
William Cosby Jr. ( Yes! I claim mental health solidarity with everyone reading this far in this essay. We are all more or less insane in the Americas, anyway.),
All fine and performing arts inclusive of all, excluding none,
Truth and Reconciliation,
Truth and Beauty,
CareyChappelleCarlinWilliamsFoxxMurphyPinkett-SmithSinbadLunelle, and RyanDavis, IS
Comedy, people, COMEDY!?!?
* If everyone is a comedian, then everyone living is teaching something to someone else. The title is a hook/net designed to catch everyone!
(C) VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2021. All Rights Reserved.