(Author's Note: this is an interactive essay. Ideally, you read it thorough once, non-stop. Then, you go back and read it, clicking on every link, going down each lead in as much detail as you choose. Enjoy!)

Just started watching video titled, "Our Terrifying Trip to Haiti" . For two white men with the luxury of being able to come and go anywhere they choose to go they never acknowledge what we already know. [Note well that one of them is a "God Warrior" with a gallery of work out porn on Instagram, for your visual stimulation ladies and gentlemen!] But I digress, now back to our story.

Specifically, the World knows Haiti has done the best it could do under the circumstances of being resented, loathed, and despised by most of the known world. They are the oldest known surviving unapologetically all black nation state to reject and or shred all who attempted to colonize Hispanola Island.

THEN ( inception of chattel slave trade) as NOW ( 2021, when only white males of generational wealth roamed the earth) the corporate capitalists needed boots with eyes on the ground to see exactly how all of the colonizers and imperialists might finally attack and take possession of a small but permanent reminder of humans inhumanity to the only extant Unapologetically Black Country on Planet Earth. "THEY!" really, really really think that "THEY!" have won. Note the sign off: "See you around the world."

Part 3: Note well: they came, they saw, they sent reconnaissance video back to everyone. But most importantly, 4th or 19th generation colonialist's offspring exploited a kind and welcoming people [ the Haitians] who took extra special care of them throughout their intelligence gathering mission masquerading as a tourist jaunt by two white guys. It remains to be seen what will happen after their departure.

Now, 7.29.21, we know what happened: Police say the murder happened at 01:00 local time (05:00 GMT) on 7 July. The president was shot 12 times and had bullet wounds to his forehead and several to his torso.Jul 12, 2021

Their film was shot in April, 2021.In light of recent history [the unexpected (?) and or flawlessly executed assassination of Haiti's president] it is difficult not to see this as espionage "masquerading" as tourism". Note well the duo's MARKETING, Branding and or PACKAGING:
Haiti has never been as chaotic as it is right now. We weren't made aware of exactly how bad it was until we'd landed in Port-au-Prince...


But is there more to Haiti than what we see on the news? Hint: yes, and we were stunned when we found out.


This is part 1 of the Haiti vlog series. Subscribe to stay tuned for part 2!

Subscribe to follow us as we travel to the world's 197 countries together!

Subscribe to follow us as we travel to the world's 197 countries together!




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Oskar Arngarden 
 Hospital priest (Hospital chaplain)   Lifting and pulling various ′′ heavy ′′ things 
See Original

Oskar Kappland is a young pianist/composer from
Sweden, and I recently reviewed his EP called
Vintergatan. Still in his early 20's, Oskar has traveled
much of the world, and his music has a real maturity
about it.

Upon leaving India before the end of the semester, we went to Thailand and Vietnam to spend the rest of the spring there. We’d been to Thailand before, but this was our first time in Vietnam. We could take our classes online, which meant we could finish the semester remotely School became a smaller and smaller portion of our lives and in the end, it was a tiny fraction of what we did on the daily. ⁣

This is when we started questioning our decision to go to school altogether. Weren’t we just staying there because we wanted a safety net? And if we were really just staying in school out of risk aversion, would we even get anything useful out of it?⁣

We were also starting to pursue our passions more. It brought us so much joy to focus on aviation (Dan) and music (Oskar) and we knew it would be foolish to postpone working toward our goals any longer. There’s never a right time so start now!⁣
So we decided to drop out of college and take our life into our own hands. And we have never looked back since. We are so glad you are with us here Let’s inspire each other to live MORE and postpone LESS 

These boys need to be surveilled by Interpol and the United Nations Security Forces immediately. Attention must be paid to events happening prior to and one (1) to ninety (90) days after their departure. Someone needs to track how easy it is for them to "pass" as tourists. With an unlimited supply of money and parents tied directly to the blue law enforcement's string of deadly weaponized pearls common to every known country, they basically have an e-ticket to assess the state of the planet over which the the oligarchs still seek to have unchecked dominion.
Someone has to make "THEIR!" much anticipated Book of Resurrection prophecy a self-fulfilling prophecy. The Reilgious Idolators require no less!

Oskar Arngarden ( @crossfitpriest) AND Daniel ( means servant of the ( dark white) Lord Voldemort avatars) are systematically informing their "invisible", "vocal", well-financed and connected team masters by posing as 2 comely white metrosexuals on "The Last Mission: ( IM?!?) POSSIBLE".

Note well their message, repeated here as a warning and cautionary tale: Subscribe to follow us as we travel to the world's 197 countries together!

These two human Trojan Horses need to be detained at their very next stop. Then, after their passports are taken, they need to be flown back to their parents' permanent custody. Or do nothing, as is usual where white males are suspected of being spies/ Agents of Corporate Capitalist Oligarchs ( ACCO). But do you really want the violence and controlled/ orchestrated chaos that inevitably follows their visit?

Think about this, Haiti is no better and arguably no worse(!!?!!!??) as a result of their visit to Haiti. However, if they are asymptomatic carriers of COVID19 targeting the mostly unvaccinated, that should give Interpol a reliable idea of their exact itinerary. Oskar and Daniel become the constants in the criminally insane global equation to "Exterminate All The Brutes". Coincidentally thatvis also the title of a gruesome look at African Colonizers written by one of "THEIR!" fellow countrymen, Sven Lindqvist.

Note well I am not creating these curious connections between actual events. The entire story based on actual people and events suggests grist for an enterprising investigative journalists mill, so to speak.

Y'all heard it here first, and I want exclusive interviews with all journalists around the globe. Awareness of the mission work of Oskar and Daniel is important as the rest of us fight for our futures.

Digging deeper? Start your investigation/ monitoring/ tracking by watching this short video by VOX:

Voila! If it isn't our intrepid spy duo, Oskar and Dan! Now we see who is funding their dangerous globe-trotting reconnaissance mission. It is...VOX MEDIA. Or should I say, what a lazy donkey's behind plotline! It is so derivative of the Hope/ Crosby series of " Off on the Road to ______ ( enter 197 nations here)" films. Only this is not a Hollywood fantasy. It is all happening for free.

How cruel, perhaps our most important look at the planet in 2021 through the jaundiced eyes of the mediocre and mendacious masquerading as the Minions of the Master Race. " THEY!" are only "POSE"-ING as Guardians of the Galaxy.

We need to have Gayle, Oprah, and of course Stedman Graham and Tyler Perry along for security to tape a competing narrative for OUR BLACK WORLD's global audience. Why should the white guys have all the fun?!?

Oskar and Daniel need a constant reminder that they are being watched. Once there is enough evidence to bring them to trial, they will be convicted and live the rest of their days watching only their videos at a locked residential mental hygiene facility.

Check out their known itinerary here:

Subscribe to follow us as we travel to the world's 197 countries together!

So, in conclusion, who are Oskar and Dan? Why are they having the time of their lives, traveling the globe while earning money by merely recording their world tour and talking about it on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook? Who else profits from their adventures? What do the LGBTQIA+ Christophers (Upton and Eaton) know that I am just now discovering 17 months later? Is it as simple as having fun on the dimes of others or something potentially deadly?

Mr. S.P., I'm entrusting you with the expose of the century. Take good care of this baby. I'm off to run errands. Ciao, Bella!

(C) VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2021. All rights reserved.

Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS
Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

Written by Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.

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