Urgent Release 2.0
VernonNickerson Schoolcoach: A little over 24 hours to brand LAUSD + UTLA's over hyped and Wealthy-White-person litigated re-opening, and nothing has changed for what was the USAs Second Largest Public School System.
With the sole exception of it's latest new and mysterious innovation program, they got buttkiss if you do not live in predominantly wealthy and white neighborhoods. The Brand, LAUSD + UTLA, has used COVID19 to primarily feed Los Angelenos who grew up with and or depended upon schools to feed their children during the instructional day.
Meanwhile, do your homework and see for yourself how little the brand has changed and how ridiculously hard too many teachers have worked to maintain a role as the only adults left in the USA's Living Room, so to speak.
1.) Virtual classrooms gave some chronically disengaged students and or those who came to school to entertain a captive audience of their peers, their FIRST TASTE OF ACADEMIC SUCCESS in manageable class sizes and more focused attention from their teachers.
2.) For the FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY OF AMERICAN PUBLIC EDUCATION, parents were recruited/ forced to collaborate with teachers and support staff in the education of America's children. Some, discovering that they could manage smaller class sizes and individualized educational programs ( that can and do exist for every student, somewhere) have joined the ranks of pandemic pod schools and or homeschoolers.
3.) Note well, USA, the first thing that the New Fascist GOP of Orthodox Radicalized Machiavellian Politicians attacked was Education. Public funding of mostly WHITE and Private schools already exists by law in a majority of States. Unlike some other issues, there is consequently universal enlightened self- interest to keep the old and hemorrhaging system of pre K-12 and higher education right where it WAS -- in 2018-2019.
All the really innovative and successfully engaging instruction and dynamic rigorous instruction and scholarship has migrated ONLINE. Scholars and scholarship from Cornel West, William J. Barber, Angela Davis and a host of others including Richard D. Wolff, Timothy Snyder and Wynton Marsalis can be found in-depth online. FREE Public Library Systems are re-organizing to meet the demands of techno-savvy patrons. Apparently, it took a pandemic quarantine for LAUSD to provide it's most economically segregated and unemployed families Chromebooks and VZW wireless WiFi Jetpacks.
4.) The Genies will never go back in the old wine skins offered up by LAUSD + UTLA. Those seeking to navigate the least restrictive educational environment that finally is focused on small class sizes (12 or less per class) and more individualized educational planning and accountability/ oversight for their genius-yet-undiscovered children, come home to Quality Content and Comprehensive Support TODAY ( Sunday, August 15, 2021).
Or choose to wait on massive, fascist, politicized and therefore distracted and off-task delivery systems. Every parent knows when schools are not meeting their child(childrens') educational and or life skills needs. They are frustrated because they cannot work and teach when they are commanded to return to often abusive and demanding employers. Most of their re-employers are only offering a return to pre- COVID days without the active looming spectre of DJT & CO.
It has never been okay or appropriate to demand anything less than excellence-- for each and every child. Look at how much we, the people have tolerated for just the past thirty to forty years!?!?!!! Find educational entrepreneurs and schoolcoaches to navigate this brave new world. Your child might avoid growing up like Quentin Tarantino who has publicly disrespected and financially cancelled his birth mother, or any number of wealthy and famous POC baby-deadbeat-daddies who make millions off villages who were supposed to be helping raise our brightest and best. Just going back to keep the peace is totally unnecessary. Parents and guardians are not stereotypical battered and indigent spouses with no other options than to return to " fake" partners who sadly stopped caring years ago.
My hope is that only those for whom brick-and-mortar instructional centers work 110% of the time choose to send their students back to pre-COVID 19 schools. However, Note Well that many of those who never left USAs Public Schools are sick, dying or nearly dead.
May some unconditionally loving universal power help those who choose to send their children into buildings were " vaccinations and or masks and or testing are options" and a global pandemic is managed in the USA with "on your honor" masquerading as Public Health Policy across 50 states and assorted territories. Note well that we heard more from Trump's Black Surgeon General in 2020 than we have from JoeBiden's in 2021.
Can we afford to give a critical ill patient thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery? No. It is past time to make a way and find a way to make a way wherever you and your children find themselves thriving and happiest.