WAKANDA FOREVER and The Logical Consequences of the Fascist Capitalist Settler-Colonial Enterprise

Kudos to Ryan Coogler, masterful original content creator of the feature film, WAKANDA FOREVER. Does its October 26, 2022 release make the film:

a.) too-close-too actual logical consequences of current events? [prescient]

b.) an accelerant of actual toxic and destructive divide-and-conquer LA / LA City Government coup d’etat planning. by the Latino caucus within Los Angeles City/County public servants and elected officials? [inspirational] [triggering]

c.) predictive of current POTUS’s penchant for war and pompous political rhetoric posing as an Presidential Campaign [inspirational]

d.) an intentional provocation by an American and global Jewish community, driven beyond collective insanity to collective punishment-scapegoating-negative stereotyping of all “others” after millenia(?) of scapegoating and persecution? Has Judiaca decided that if they cannot openly command-and-control everything that no members of the entire species of homo sapiens should survive by sharing everything? [emotionally behavior disordered] [ psychotic] [sociopathic] [profound, pervasive, perseverating Stockholm Syndrome. with gestational onset]



( Poetry Inspired by the multiple choice question that began this opinion piece)



Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.