@WALTER RHEIN: THIS IS EXACTLY what I too had to do to survive my father’s sexual, physical, and psychological abuse until my first job , over 2300 miles away on the
‘Left Coast’ allowed me to escape, minus one testicle ( I’M guessing that last part was not your experience. ) Thank you for writing this, in particular: “I walked among them when I was powerless. Figuring out how to shield myself from their attention is the first lesson I learned in this world. The trick is doing neither too much nor too little. Don’t be too loud, and don’t cower. If you’re loud they’ll become suspicious or see it as a challenge. If you cower, they’ll see you as a potential victim.”🖖🏾👍✌️🌍🌎🌏🤛🏾💜 With my father, cowering got you an extra severe beat down. Over the past years, 2016 to present day in particular, I have consistently “seen” my fathers’ behaviors behind closed quadruple locked doors as the really creepy doppelgänger to Trumps public persona. Ironically, I see why my career(s) called me/sent me into a 53-year commitment to SPED/Exceptional Education, Pastoral counseling, writing and reflection on USA and WORLD HISTORIES