Welcome to USA2021: LAND OF ENCHANTMENT! episode the Second

Extended Assorted Rants For Colored Boi's with E.A.R.'s to Hear, Make them Hear Themselves and Nevermore Us!

No Place Like Home for the Holidays.

Seriously FB peeps, note how intoxicated every interview subject sounds and behaves. Note well the Universal and unapologetic lack of hospitality of each person interviewed. Note well the interlocutor, Mr. Jordan Klepper, is fully unarmed. He is, in my humble opinion, the Bravest White Male Heterosexual in the USA. Why?

Good question, so I'll offer an answer: Tall white, and unarmed, Jordan Klepper , armed with only a camera crew from The Daily Show*, goes into places where a gang of probably well-armed Trumplicans** rules and reigns to consistently conduct civil conversations. Had any of his interview subjects not been impaired on legal and or illegal toxic intoxicants, they could have and surely would have jumped him, killed him, and burned his remains -- and this footage would never have been permanently digitized for our collective comic entertainment. Furthermore, they would have, assuming they were arrested(?) charged(?) simply applied the new Kyle Rittenhouse Defense (rTm) and been exonerated in 2022. Anybody is welcome to present unimpeachable evidence to prove me wrong.

No arguments or professional paid polemicists pretending to speak as journalists( PPPJ'S) are allowed to speak or attempt to assist those making a sincere attempt to disprove the truth of my claims.***

As we all know, PPPJ'S roam free at FOX MEDIA, BNC, BET, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, NBC, CBSN, ESPN, CBS, ABC, & NPR/PBS. The sad/ but makes us laugh TRUTH? JORDAN KLEPPER does what they all used to do much better, and for far less "obscenely obnoxious amounts of money", than all of "those!" people combined. I hope he at least makes some kind of hazardous duty pay! Prove me wrong, I can wait. Again, anybody is welcome to present unimpeachable evidence to prove me wrong.

* ( shout out to my platonic crush, the BOSS BOSS who just sued his speciality physicians for malpractice ( another courageous act in the USA, IJS) IπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ€ŽπŸ–€β€πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ€ŸπŸ€˜πŸ––πŸ‘πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸŒˆ Trevor noah )

**( every Trump rally GOP attendee who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020)

***( my feed, Facebook's rules to provide for user safety on its platforms)

Bonus humor for those who read this far: Would the villages who lost Dubya please come and reclaim 71 million GOP Covidiots led by an estranged member of those fightin' Irish Kennedy's?!? With only 4 shopping days until Christmas, their villages need them all to confess their various addictions and start mass producing some blockbuster reality TV just for kicks and giggles if we wind up following HRH and Crew down the slippery slope to perdition paved with pyrite!

If you don't clap πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Γ— 100 for this article, well, you have no sense of humor, no life, and are sad, selfish and tragic-- the New Toxic Trifecta and Hallmark of the Illegally Intoxicated!πŸ˜œπŸ™ƒπŸ€©πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜€πŸ’₯

(C) VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2021. All Rights Reserved.

We need new legislation
Make A.L.E.C. illegal terrorist org
End lobbyists
Make paid sports coaching illegal
Abolish cocaine and opium for all uses.
Global ban on sale, use, and development of nuclear and ballistic weapons
Only tax millionaires and above. Tax all faith based communities
with congregations over 500.
Cheat once on taxes ? Forfeit 5 generations of family wealth.
Declare a debt jubilee.

00:01:53 " Covid-19 is bad for BUSINESS!!! Well, Dear Leader/Mayor of NYC, businesses only EXIST because of people. People get sick, suffer and some die from COVID19 ( all mutations and variants)! Without staff,and customers, and suppliers, THERE ARE NO BUSINESSES; THERE IS NO BUSINESSπŸ™ƒπŸ˜œπŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ˜‚! WTF!!!???

This...is Christmas 2021
Dee Mallard Thank you for sharing your Family's Christmas with me this year! πŸ’›πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ€ŽπŸ–€β€πŸ§‘πŸ‘πŸ––πŸ€˜πŸ€ŸπŸŒˆ
I had no idea how well you have adjusted to such massive changes to family traditions! You are an awesome part of a matched set of Grandparents and Parents-- in the truest sense of those words. Safe travels south. You can look forward to "seeing" Christmas all along your journey behind an invisible Mason/Dixon line. I say that in what some might consider an odd way. Yet, in the stillness of a chilly California night before Winter Solstice, it makes me appreciate how our fragile Union has grown. As a teacher of history, social studies, rhythm and vocal performance for all in my public education community seeking such instruction, I wish everyone could appreciate that the journey you and Dennis have chronicled is common today among a great many who have forgotten and or may never have known how perilous that journey has been for people who look like me. Even in 2021, after hearing and witnessing how dangerous interstate travel has become for too many Americans, we have I suppose taken such travel for granted. I hope you will continue to chronicle your life and travels. We should never complain or take lightly the battles fought and lives lost that allow for the freedom of movement we enjoy today. May it always be our precious memories, our present reflections as we travel, and our hope for ALL of our futures, arriving safely, soundly, and hopefully wiser to our freely chosen destinations. Happy Holidays!πŸŽ„πŸ’―πŸŽ‰πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸŽŠβ›„πŸŒˆπŸŽπŸ€ŸπŸ€˜πŸ––πŸ‘πŸ§‘β€πŸ–€πŸ€ŽπŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’›πŸŽ„

If this happens, it would herald the USA pivoting to collaboration for peaceful coexistence with all of the Pacific Rim. The fact the US Navy spent 13 hours in public forums without agreeing to relocate? eliminate? a source of environmental catastrophe. Will Wealthy Hawaiian Settler Colonialists successfully pivot USA from sabre rattling to diplomacy to achieve and maintain a permanent peace? History strongly suggests that then pre- WWII and now pre-?$?$?$, Hawaii will retain its label of expendible collateral damage. Time will tell.πŸ’›πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ€ŽπŸ–€β€πŸ§‘πŸŽ„πŸ‘πŸ––πŸ€˜πŸ€ŸπŸŒˆπŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ’€β˜ πŸ₯ΆπŸ˜€

Dear CTG, ONLY 2 OF 41 BILLS the US Congress could have passed-- Defense Spending and Debt Ceiling increase. Only a "remnant" of the US Congress went to the "office" for the past 12 months to even pretend like they were working. You and your media allies would serve we, the audience far betterby convening a USA Congress Town Hall. When you ask the right questions to the wrong person, Secy. Of Education, getting an answer is impossible. As long as 100% of our US Congress is beholden to donors-- and donors alone, loan forgiveness is not even a "pipedream".β˜ πŸ’€πŸ₯ΆπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ’€β˜ πŸ₯Ά

Dr. Duc Vuong Most of my FB folks have traveled by air continously as they did pre-COVID in and out of mostly anti-vaxx , anti mask, anti-CRT, ANTI- ( INSERT WHATEVER PEOPLE ARE AGAINST HERE). It started out with " I've planned this trip...", " "I need this trip/ I deserve this trip",etc. The next phase was not discussing if they were vaxxed, and posts showing them masked but unmasked with whomever they were visiting. I actually had a colleague ( as part of my schools support team ( I was then a SPED teacher) call and say they would not be supporting my students virtually due to a family emergency. Then they would be posting pictures partying in foreign places, like the Mexican Riviera or other places. Long story short, we never have had 100% compliance with any travel advisories or mandates and everyone who had $$$$ took advantage at every step, spike or no spike, variants be damned. Versus, those of us who did as recommended. When averaged together, everything has led us to the current reality where the USA has stayed at #1 in the World in Hospitalizations. But now there are all sorts of huge gatherings in spite of all health advisories and no consequences for the Governors of Texas or Florida ( or most of the predominantly whitemaleheterodox controlled states). It takes me right back to the last professional development meeting we had via zoom with people dropping like flies and flooding hospitals when I asked what was going to be done to support vulnerable populations-- and their was total silence-- then the meeting continued as if my question had never been asked. Well here I am in a major metropolis with traffic all summer ,fall, and winter like it was before lockdown, with the USA still #1 in hospitalizations in states with least insured and lowest vaccination rates. Seems like the Novel Coronavirus has been THE WINNER AND STILL CHAMPION SINCE MARCH 2020. I would like you or another licensed physician to use verifiable evidence to prove I'm exaggerating in any way and we are as a nation passively-agressive and suicidal?!? ( posted 6:01 am PT on Wed, Dec 22 2021)

The trouble, the tragedy, and the Destruction of Systems of Public Education in the USA

IN 500 words or less, and one Social Media advertisement

$60,500 a year (before taxes) could have, once upon a time, been a sustainable income for educators who desire to serve our most vulnerable and hungry learners is less than wealthy and predominantly white districts amenable to fully funded public schools. However, in LAUSD, an demonstrably economically-segregated public school system where too many teachers ( single and or married, with and or without children) cannot afford to live and teach after:
1.) paying for high-stakes standardized testing,
2.) working full time and doing full-time ( half to three quarters time graduate level professional development for their coveted credentials)
3.) purchasing basic supplies ( even with Lakeside's periodic discounts and e-coupons and COSTCO memberships)
4.) Paying annual license fees
Caveat Emptor - Somebody Has to have Deep pockets of generational wealth - Why do NBA, NFL, NHL, SAG/AFTRA, etc. make more than they ever need while items 1.) through 4.) have historically played a major role in who gets certificated and earns tenure? Before, during, and after(?) a global pandemic, what happens when substitute teaching capitalizes on veritable armies of non-unionized staff all completely legal ( by SCOTUS ruling) as long as one Union does all the collective bargaining for a school district? Any minimally skilled philosopher-theologian would answer "The Handwriting is on the Proverbial Wall." Brought to you by a new perenially profitable partnership between inclusion credentialing and professional programs ( iCAPP) and majority white-owned and operated educational entrepreneurs, Just. Like. That. A new and racially segregated cottage industry is born. IJS.

"1.) Male Dominance has given us the mess Also Known As 2021and most of what is known as "accepted wisdom", "popular culture", "mainstream thought", etcetera.
2.) Mythology dictated that all the most powerful women had to be sequestered on a island(s) of women where men were all the "lower caste". Think "Wonder Woman on the Isle of Lesbos"
3.) Male Headship has always "sounded", "felt", and has been demonstrably proven to be (like) and or really be a very bad idea outside of sexual pleasure between CONSENTING ADULTS. ( italics by the author). I do so have a penchant for ideas that rock peoples' worlds and or blow folks minds. Most all y'all are overdue to have your world rocked and or your mind blown." - the Southern Variant of Vernon Nickerson Schoolcoach .
(C) Vernon Nickerson Schoolcoach 2021. All Rights Reserved.

"It has never, ever, EVER felt quite right to me that only men and or only women can lead, rule, or reign. Note well what happened in at least three legendary accounts of solitary and exclusive male or female leadership versus what we see all around us when males across the spectrum and females across the spectrum collaborate and co-exist. By the way, this is not a new idea." (C) Vernon Nickerson Schoolcoach 2021. All Rights Reserved.

"Major Depression is what happens when you take a deep and prolonged dive into other people's history that, when you are honest with yourself with every fiber of your being down to the cellular level, you knew was not your history and did not ever really answer the Ultimate Questions: Why am I here?, What is my mission in life? Why am I having a particular experience(s)? So, the cure for any Depression is Digging Deeper and Discovering Your Origin Story. This is why free public libraries and functional literacy in more than one language is essential to all representative democracies. #literacyisessentialtoallrepresentativedemocracies , #LEOTARDS."- another in a series of PSAs from
(C) Vernon Nickerson Schoolcoach 2021. All Rights Reserved.
Think on these things and see how foolish it becomes to aspire to the goals of a culture that never felt quite right. IJS.

"The trouble with Racism has always been as follows:
Racism is a Toxic Minority Invention.
Use these acronyms to remember this: TMI, TOO MUCH INFORMATION = Toxic Minority Invention.
You see, mon ami, the truth is that you can never have too much information. You can have information you do not agree with. You can have information that someone might want to keep secret or make public. But always remember, you can never have Too Much Information! And, we all know, even those like a certain pair of Governors voted into office by people who may hate being labelled as Racists and or Fascists and or Chaos Theorists that Too much Toxic Minority Invention is definitely and demonstrably ultimately deadly to everyone exposed to it for any length of time.
Think on these things, Merry Christmas and or Happy Winter Break to all, and to ALL:
(C) Vernon Nickerson Schoolcoach 2021. All Rights Reserved.


Good morning, my name is Novel Coronavirus. I am the Brand Ambassador for the COVID - 19 Brand of Variants. As you all now now and are immediately able to verify in communities small and large, rural, suburban and urban across the USA, I, Novel Coronavirus and my Brand of Variants will be around for the forseeable future. Having demonstrated our Corporeal Motto, " Sharing is Caring" , we wanted to show our gratitude by re-releasing three classics from rock, r&b, and Big Broadway Blockbuster musicals. Look at the lyrics as you listen to each recording. Our brand is here to stay!
Enjoy our Inaugural Playlist!

And I am telling you, I'm not Going anywhere anytime soon

The definitive audiovisual narrative:

Cause You're still the one

And, what else does COVID have to say?

Van Nuys, CA

Los Angeles County

As of Wed, Dec 22, 2021, 7:03 PM EST


1.2%Since last week


0.3%Since last week




Source*Note: Some locations do not currently provide all data.

Worldwide Statistics

LocationConfirmed CasesWorldwide 274,607,209
United States of America 50,565,
India 34,758,481
Brazil 22,215,856
United Kingdom 11,542,147
Russia 10,292,983
Turkey 9,209,740
France 8,469,950
Germany 6,878,709
Iran 6,175,782
Spain 5,585,055



Italy 5,436,143
Argentina 5,395,044
Colombia 5,109,022
Indonesia 4,261,072
Poland 4,000,270
Mexico 3,934,102
Ukraine 3,623,179
South Africa 3,332,008
Netherlands 3,001,461
Philippines 2,837,730
Malaysia 2,724,684
Czech Republic 2,427,478
Peru 2,266,205
Thailand 2,199,061
Iraq 2,091,180
Belgium 2,017,154
Canada 1,896,462
Romania 1,799,455
Chile 1,793,786
Japan 1,730,335
Bangladesh 1,581,986
Vietnam 1,571,780
Israel 1,358,040
Pakistan 1,291,737
Serbia 1,284,757
Sweden 1,263,566
Austria 1,249,719
Hungary 1,233,744
Portugal 1,233,608
Switzerland 1,198,527
Kazakhstan 1,067,811
Greece 1,044,301
Jordan 1,043,266
Cuba964,237Morocco953,297Georgia916,477Nepal826,423Slovakia816,102United Arab Emirates744,890Bulgaria728,677Tunisia721,450Lebanon703,555Belarus686,294Croatia678,533Ireland666,657Denmark640,914Guatemala623,795Azerbaijan611,557South Korea583,065Sri Lanka581,595Costa Rica568,538Bolivia566,591Saudi Arabia551,210Ecuador537,220Myanmar528,639Lithuania506,144Panama483,638Paraguay464,703Slovenia450,703Venezuela441,937Kuwait414,270Dominican Republic412,022Uruguay404,821Mongolia387,235Libya382,884Ethiopia379,379Honduras378,843Egypt377,081Moldova372,983Norway354,463Armenia343,997Oman304,896Bosnia and Herzegovina285,724Bahrain278,714Singapore276,385Latvia268,456Kenya267,571Australia259,207Qatar246,897Estonia234,092Nigeria227,378Finland224,169North Macedonia221,744Zambia219,023Algeria215,145Albania206,273Botswana204,701Puerto Rico199,150Zimbabwe197,768Uzbekistan197,566Kyrgyzstan184,319Mozambique162,525Montenegro161,301Afghanistan157,816Cyprus146,802Namibia134,694Ghana133,046Uganda130,178

People's Republic of China 129,988

ElSalvador121,530Cambodia120,427Cameroon108,410Rwanda102,232Laos100,624Luxembourg97,258Maldives94,178Jamaica92,129Democratic Republic of the Congo86,788Trinidad and Tobago85,873Senegal74,196Réunion67,237Mauritius66,929Malawi66,166Angola65,938Ivory Coast62,336Swaziland62,094Guadeloupe55,564Fiji52,651Suriname51,462Syria49,861Madagascar47,295Martinique46,989French Guiana46,910French Polynesia46,375Sudan46,037Malta42,488Mauritania40,182Guyana38,891Cape Verde38,618Gabon37,830Papua New Guinea36,006Belize31,294Guinea30,814Barbados27,242Togo26,911Tanzania26,483Lesotho26,004Haiti25,923Benin24,935Seychelles24,197Somalia23,169The Bahamas23,135Burundi23,009Iceland21,587Mayotte21,243Andorra21,062East Timor19,833Mali19,471Curaçao17,807Tajikistan17,493Burkina Faso17,040Aruba16,848Jersey16,634Brunei15,418Guam15,243South Sudan13,831Equatorial Guinea13,618Djibouti13,546Nicaragua13,531Isle of Man13,261New Zealand13,219Saint Lucia13,177New Caledonia12,670Central African Republic11,961Yemen10,103The Gambia10,078Cayman Islands8,097Gibraltar7,902Eritrea7,807United States Virgin Islands7,681San Marino7,351Niger7,214Sierra Leone6,525Dominica6,520Guinea-Bissau6,458Guernsey5,946Liberia5,929Grenada5,921Bermuda5,917Liechtenstein5,852Saint Vincent and the Grenadines5,784Chad5,703Faroe Islands4,792Sint Maarten4,696Comoros4,677Monaco4,485Antigua and Barbuda4,201Saint Martin4,075São Tomé and Príncipe3,736Turks and Caicos Islands3,172Bonaire3,171British Virgin Islands2,886Saint Kitts and Nevis2,808Bhutan2,659Northern Mariana Islands2,580Greenland1,969Saint-Barthélemy1,692Anguilla1,629Wallis and Futuna454Saint Pierre and Miquelon96Falkland Islands81Montserrat45Solomon Islands20Palau8Vanuatu7Marshall Islands4Samoa2Cook Islands1Tonga1

Source: World Health Organization*Note: Some locations do not currently provide all data.

Jason Mitchell:
Something's stirring within me. I'm getting ready, I offer the suggestion that you do the same.

Jason Mitchell , BTW, you will apperciate this, I got a hot tip from an anonymous source in a Red Rittenhouse state that they've had six weeks of recurring dreams of fires in SF, LA, CHI, and NYC. Any resonance? Any thoughts? My sense is que cera cera and row row row your boat.πŸ™ƒπŸ€” Another influencer I consulted, who also lives in a Red State says its just dark energy playing Loki tricknology. Still, My sense is que cera cera and row row row your boat.πŸ™ƒπŸ€”

Pitiful pandering to an already pissed off base. Pass along and pay it forward if POTUS46 is pounding sand with or without permission. Yeah, all y'all perfectly pugilistic paid political polemicists*, bet you can't say that 6 times at WARP SPEED!πŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ™‚πŸ™ƒπŸ˜πŸ€©πŸ˜πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘ HIS MOMMA DIDN'T RAISE NO DUMMY..in Lord De La Ware's tax cheat haven! Not to be confused with Connecticut Yankees in King Arthur's Court!

*- ABC, CBS, CBSN, NBC, MSNBC, NPR/PBS, FOX MEDIA, SKY TV, BBC, BNC, (put your favorite here)


And just like that, another politcal prostitute pivots from one Pimp Daddy to a far more lucrative OG PIMPMASTER DADDY! Now, apparently for eerie Erie County and the rest of Penns' Woods they trust this "Winter White Warlock" named OZ. Wow! Oh, what places Frank L. Baum's beloved story has taken ALL THE SUCKERS! An arch arch-villian with naturally arched eyebrows, too! Look at him, all puckered up and ready to s***! Never forget that Ms. Oprah Winfrey brought him to us...it was never the other way around. Does this read like a Stephen King classic to anyone else?

We are one biblical event away from a total meltdown. My Ralphs butcher says I will only have 2 days to consume my last meat even if I smoke it. Wow.

(C) Vernon Nickerson Schoolcoach 2021. All Rights Reserved.

Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS
Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

Written by Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.

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