Well @Carl J Petersen, you’ve nailed it again! We take your child’s privacy and the security of your child’s data seriously, and deeply regret that this incident occurred.- Through harrowing personal experience with LAUSD ITD HELP DESK HACKING MY PRIVATE GOOGLE ACCOUNTS AND FILING 2 FALSE CLAIMS AGAINST ME TO CA EDD (THANKFULLY SUCCESSFULLY DEFENDED WITH EVIDENCE, BUT FINANCIALLY DEVASTATING NONETHELESS ONE-AND-TWO YEARS POST-RESIGNATION, I KNOW whereof I speak. I wish you would have added links to all The 74’s articles, they really reinforce your story. They get off scot-free because they know “we” are too poor and or busy to afford attorneys to sue. But I did reach out to the 74’s reporter- time will tell if he reaches back. What I deeply and profoundly resent is the negative impact on LAUSD children and their parents. Clearly, Carvalho= Beutner’s revenge, exacted.