Member-only story
Well, its 6:31 am somewhere, so, in Southern California rental units, are you feeling the rise of Greywater yet? Here’s what to look for…
1.) First, when you rinse your dishes, you never get them SQUEAKY CLEAN ANY MORE.
2.)Second, if you’ve always chilled some to serve on a hot, dry/ wet day — DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. Greywater decomposes over time — about 2 weeks.It begins to smell like the human waste it comes from.
In fact, use bottled/ purified water for all of your drinking and cooking needs.
3.) xThird, invest in microbial filters for your kitchen and bathroom(s).
4.) Fourth, demand the property management company have LADWP water quailty come and test the graywater weekly. ( it is a free service designed to promote the fact that all the water they pump into homes and apartment buildings is pure, to wit, 1:1 colony forming bacterial units of heterotrophic bacteria, currently unregulated. However the pipes in the building I signed a lease, paid a security deposit and 1st mo/last mo (if memory serves) were converting ‘pure water’ to 1:250 cfbu’s in the kitchen, and 1:1800 cfbu’s in the bathroom. Due to Covid-19/Swineflu/Bird flu/ and that new ‘RSV’(?, spelling) I use bathroom water multiple times daily. So yes, I was unaware I was being poisoned daily by washing my hands and taking showers and or baths. N
5.) Fifth
If you can leave, LEAVE!