Member-only story
Well, Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority…
Did homelessness increase or decrease?
According to the 2024 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count, unhoused individuals using RVs as dwellings "INCREASED” to 6,845 from 6,814 in 2023 across the county. The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, which conducts the count annually, reported some 13,549 individuals experiencing homelessness in their vehicles in 2024, representing a “DECREASE” compared to 14,096 individuals experiencing homelessness in their vehicles last year.
Mind you, if SSA continues denying 100% of benefits due disabled adults with cerebal palsy and other visibly disabling challenges for 8–12 consecutive months, as they are currently doing, now without Medicare as well, where will you house or bury these newly abandoned vulnerable populations?
PROJECT 2025 at work to destroy social safety infrastructure BEFORE POLLS OPEN IN NOVEMBER, 2024. What better way to disenfranchise American voters?
Meanwhile, POTUS sends mail:
Right now, Americans pay two to three times more for prescription drugs than they would anywhere else.
But my Administration beat Big Pharma. And after months of negotiations, Medicare has reached agreements to lower the price for 10 of the highest-cost drugs.
If you’ll benefit from lower prices, I’d love to hear about it.