WELL, well, well, at least Jesus HAD A CHOICE. Allow me to expound. When my biological father drove me to Barnert Memorial Hospital in the summer of 1980 to have what became a medically unnecessary right radical orchiectomy, I like many Incest survivors groomed to understand I had no viable socioeconomic choice, had my entire body's fascia irrevocably torn asunder. Cellular Memory never forgets cruelty. So, for the remainder of my life, awakening is a 2-3 hour practice of slow micro-myofascial trigger point release therapy for muscle pain from toes to head in order for mobility throughout the day. Not to mention intermittent Blepaharospasming, or as a former colleague with a stereotypically Judiaca NY-sarcastic bent used to say " twitchy face", ie, both eyelids locking shut at will.
Compared to what millions of other homo sapiens endure because of "believers", all that is still a small price to pay, I guess, for the "freedoms"(?) I "enjoy" as a Gay male Pan African American who yet embraces "FOR GOD AND GOD ALONE" as a personal testimony and daily mantra.
(C) VERNONNICKERSONSCHOOLCOACH 2022. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I would invite you and other Medium.com readers to check out "my story so far". Happy New Year 2022- 2023 Sabbath Weekend!❤🧡💛💚💙💗💜🖖🤞🤟🙏✍️