What did we know and when did we know it?

Some thoughts while witnessing the pink-skinned insured choose to die while receiving quality medical care because they have money and or medical insurance available to make them comfortable in August 2021.


Dying for freedom, state, or religion. These prescient words were put to music back in the year 1971 in Mikki Grant's "Don't Bother Me Cause I can't cope. Then, as now, such dying was labeled as insane and fatal. But what has yet to be addressed is how simple it is to perpetuate lies among a USA population so profoundly addicted to a full spectrum of substances from sugar, coffee, tobacco, and alcohol to cocaine, methamphetamines, heroin, and prescribed opioids.

In the USA, we steadfastly refuse to talk about the harm legal addictions wreak upon individuals who are always part of family systems ranging from healthy and balanced to unhealthy and unbalanced. The USA is a nation where if it appears too nice or too good to be true and or too real, it usually isn't good or nice or true or real. We build exquisite, detailed, and intricate facades to hide "warts and all."

Note well in the video that the majority of those receiving skilled and caring medical attention have the luxury of health insurance. They are all entitled to treatment until they recover or die. When they recover, legislation has already been passed to ensure that they will be declared permanently long-term disabled. " THEY" already call it "long haul COVID. They join others who have gotten vaccinated and are being pushed back into crowded workplaces, public spaces, theatres, etc., IN SPITE(?) OF rising virus spread, illness, and hospitalizations straining available resources.

Once upon a time, people choosing to harm themselves with deadly viruses were diagnosed as actively suicidal. Others were categorized as passive-aggressive suicides. There is also extensive research (and tested intervention) on people who choose sickness to receive attention, touch, and tender loving care.

Now that COVID19 lockdown and protocols have provided me time and energy to think on these things and look back over human history and historical debates, a consistent pattern is revealed. The crazy things that we see now appear to have their own unique kind of perverse, obscene, and yet necessary logic.

Remember, corporations bought governments who funded the weaponization of novel coronaviruses spread naturally by the act of breathing. After generations of providing ways for humans to maintain higher and more intense levels of pain and suffering avoidance, a " national numbing out" if you will, it would be a relatively simple thing to get those who eschew rules, discipline, requirements, yet love sybaritic pleasures of massive quantities of legally addictive substances over time to destroy themselves and their habitat.

This National Numbing Out began in the aftermath of WW I. By the time we vaporized most of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the rise of pill-popping culture in the USA was well under way. The Technology Revolution separated us from each other and from our individual inner lives of contemplation and or reflection.
High tech = Low human touch.

The Earth and Earthlings can coexist if they all agree on embracing all of nature and humanity. The answers require teaching 100% of everyone's origin stories, then sorting out the non-fiction from the fantasy and other fictions. Yet, as the video accurately portrays, the USA PREFERS taking the long, winding, painful, road home to health and healing through death. This nation has a deep BDSM streak that appears on track to take us all out with millions/ billions/ bazillions of tiny cuts ✂️ ....just like a certain old saying about death and dying by a thousand tiny cuts.

Watching The Morning Show ( now streaming Season 1 on apple TV+) is like having a front-row seat at the run-up to COVID. We are given an up-close-and-personal look at an intergenerational TV producing family within a TV series "family" that is revealed to be dying from the inside out after one de facto Father figure is revealed to be a sexual predator long hiding in plain sight and rewarded financially and enabled by the rest of the family.

As we see today, the strong black female is the character scapegoated and culled from the herd. Biracial character Hannah Schoenfeld is eventually killed off by her own hand. In the ultimate microaggression, she commits suicide rather than escape one toxic family branch for a promotion to a different circle in Dante's Inferno, a.k.a. UVA TV. Everyone else apparently got renewed for season two. From the two teaser reels for Season 2, the sexual predators are allowed to roam free-- no trials OR settlements for victims. HOWEVER, there are promotions for all of "THEM"!

Wow! How true to life this is!
The UVA Clan thrives on greed, abuse, and anti-vaxxers. These "characters" would be the people we expect to become anti-vaxxers and die from COVID while cussing out their caregivers.

How do we get better, USA? Or have I posed the question too late to engage a better outcome?

(C) Vernon Nickerson Schoolcoach 2021 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS
Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

Written by Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.

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