What's In a Name?

Rittenhouse. Huber. Rosenbaum. Grosskreutz. Schroeder.
German English and German Jewish ancestors still loving and or fighting and or killing each other inspired me to Tell my Readers Who I am and ask them to Invest in My Potential*

CV Statement and Profile of Vernon Prescott Nickerson, MA.

Mr. Nickerson has served as Chief Schoolcoach at VernonNickersonSchoolcoach since the social entrepreneurship's founding in 1997 in Dawsonville, Georgia. He is a proud native of Chicago, Illinois. Family geneological research (since the mid-1970's to date) has established links to German, British, and Choctaw Indian ancestry.

Vernon has taught and written and formed nascent theories about mathematics, social studies, US, European, and WORLD History; organizational behavior and theory, theology, and marriage and family clinical theory and technique for a grand total of 49 years. The first six subjects required a foundational high school diploma. The seventh required a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering with a minor in Applied Behavioral Science from Northwestern University.

The eighth and ninth subjects required numerous apprenticeships in secular for-profit and not-for-profit corporations based in urban, suburban and rural areas within the 48 Contigous United States of America, a Master of Theology degree with a concentration in Pastoral Care and Counseling from Fuller Theological Seminary, and doctoral level coursework and clinical apprenticeships with The Fuller Seminary Graduate School of Psychology, Purdue University, and Northcentral University.

It is worthy of note that Vernon's work at Northcentral was 100% online, begun concurrently while being primary caregiver for his beloved birth mother as she, for reasons unknown to her healthcare maintainence team of Board-Certified physicians, began losing her ability to speak certain words she had learned over a lifetime of mastery of her first language, English.

Mr. Nickerson took one class at a time, due to his ongoing journey with the chronic, capricious and disabling visual challenge of Blepharospasm, first diagnosed by a Lens Crafters affiliated Optometrist in 2010. He earned no grade lower than A(-) for all work completed at Northcentral.

The dual demands of full-time employment while working full-time in LAUSD schools as a Behavioral Interventionist NPA/BII and living in his personal vehicle forced him to take an extended leave of abscence from his studies in the Fall of 2016.

Mr. Nickerson was blessed to be hired by the then- Principal of Widney CPTC, a special day school designed for all differently-abled students ages 18 to 22 years of age from the catchment area of LAUSD'S Central District schools. Unfortunately, a critical failure by government-subsidized and RomanCatholic sponsored homeless services and housing provider, Blessed Sacrament at Hollywood, to determine if a shared housing landlord had ever obtained permission of the property owner was legally permitted to sublease their Van Nuys property led to Mr. Nickerson having all of his keys stolen by the illegal sublessor and thrown back into homelessness on March 3, 2020, the same week as he was released from almost 2 months of successful and life-saving intensive outpatient treatment by his team of healthcare and wellness providers at Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center- Sunset Campus.

Tragically and ironically, Mr. Nickerson was reinstated to his position with LAUSD on 3.13.2020, the same day that LAUSD closed its schools as part of what would become the somewhat national COVID-19 lockdown. Through the courageous hospitality of the Motel 6 system in Los Angeles, San Bernadino, and Riverside Counties and the sacrificial moral, emotional, and or financial support of a small-yet-powerful cadre of administrators and teachers within Widney CPTC and the LAUSD District Intern/ iCAPP program and his NBCT- certified Teacher Mentor, Vernon was able to facilitate 100% of his homeroom class' transfer from face-to-face to virtual online instruction beginning 4.13.2020 through the end of the now infamous and unprecedented 2019-2020 school year. Thankfully, 100% of the student's parents officially joined the instructional team as full partners in learning during this period. He is eternally greatful for their loving sacrifice putting their childrens' education as top priority before, especially DURING, and after COVID19 Lockdown.

Unfortunately however, failure of LAUSD to grant Mr. Nickerson the same ADA-supported accomodation for his visual challenge took over 12 months, and, exacerbated by an unforgiving 60 to 80 hour per week workweek expected of full-time SPED teachers in night school, participation in professional development for teachers in the California credentialling process, and virtual closure of Kaiser Sunset for all but critical care and COVID19 patients, Mr. Nickerson was effectively forced to resign from LAUSD in August 2020 rather than increase his already high risk status of death from COVID19. ( Recall their was only a hope for a vaccine and noted master of dis-information POTUS 45 was still in power in August 2020).

However, Mr. Nickerson was still blessed with numerous unpaid internship opportunities that allowed him to hone and sharpen his unique set of professional skills and gain expertise in "adjacent" new fields of endeavor from 2014 through the present period:
Since 2014, Vernon has written independent film reviews, book reviews and original poetry for www.theArtOfMonteque.com ( now DreamWeaverArts.org) and publishes opinion pieces on www.Medium.com. Beginning on January 23, 2021, Mr. Nickerson launched an Internet Radio broadcast called "One Opinionated Son of a Blacksmith!" On www.VEGEradio.com. Episodes are broadcast daily from the Florida-based station at 5:00 pm Pacific Time. Vernon is also developing curriculum in "Rhythm and Vocal Performance" for use by 18 to 24 year olds at all points along the gifted-and-talented spectrum and "Special Topics in Social Studies" for the same cohort.

As a survivor of severe childhood trauma, same gender loving male, and man of great faith in a Universal Unifying Higher Power ( drawn from the only sacred texts made available to him on his educational journey but refusing allegiance to or support of the denominations and spiritual communities which self-identify being the ultimate winners in their cult-like descent into mutually-assured destruction) Vernon is eternally grateful to his families of birth and Family of Choice who have maintained and grown strong connections with him since his beloved Mother, Sadie Mae Walker Nickerson, R.N.( ret. Nurse Manager), transitioned on Februrary 16, 2016. He is 100% certain both families kept him alive and sane during the global crisis.

As is all too common in families tracing their origins through the "middle passage of chattel slavery through the Machievellian machinations of post-modernism in the USA, too many to count of his biological family disappeared without a trace the day after Sadies burial in March of 2016. Vernon, consistent with his deeply treasured faith and belief, born in the fiery crucible of lived experience unique to being "born in the USA" wishes them all their best possible lives and maintains an open door/ truth and reconciliaton required policy for those.

Vernon often remarks in conversation: "Its the same possibility I held space for with my late father, Willie Curtis Nickerson. Specifically, I believe that as long as we are all alive together on the only Planet Earth that we know has breatheable air, potable water, and an abundance of natural and human resources, truth-sharing, reconciliation, healing of even the deepest hurts is always possible. It starts with learning to love our reflection in our full-body mirrors.

Learning to LOVE OURSELVES is indeed the greatest love of all. From there Unconditional Positive Regard is always easy, Unconditional Love is attainable , and practicing The Golden Rule is easier than any of the current alternatives popular in 2021 on Planet Earth."

*-If you see the potential in VernonNickersonSchoolcoach for such a time as now:
1.)CLAP, Share and Archive ( need millions of claps monthly)
2.) Help Vernon re-gain Internet connectivity, a roof over his head, and resume Ph.D. studies via VENMO, @vernon-nickerson and or PayPal:

Many thanks!
!Muchos Gracias!

(especially of a process or organization) just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential.

(C) VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2021. All Rights Reserved.

Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS
Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

Written by Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.

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