
When something as Essential as Your Childs Education is at stake, Health and Safety Matter!

If anyone shares this Major Misguided Information with you:

Just a reminder that
regardless of how you
feel about your child's
Back to School plan,
your child's teacher
didn't make it.
Be kind.

HERE IS MY Recommended Response:
I kindly and respectfully Absolutely DISAGREE with this statement. "Your child's Back-to-School Plan is part of a Contract that must be in the best interest of your child's health and safety as well as meet their individualized educational plan (and needs for instructional and or behavioral supports).

If teachers are accepting Back-to-school plans that put children too young to be safely vaccinated for COVID and placed on school campuses where adult vaccination and or masking and or other protocols such as hand washing and social distancing are suggested/ optional/ non-existent:

1.) Kindly DEMAND that mandates for the health and safety of your child or a virtual learning alternative (including correspondence programs) be included in a Revised Back-to-school Plan and in place before enrollment.
2.) Homeschooling or launching a pandemic pod school are excellent options. (The Kindly remove your child from harm's way alternatives)
3.) Kindly and immediately pursue some alternative I am not currently aware of that is part of a Contract that must be in the best interest of your child's health and safety and meet their individualized educational plan (and needs for instructional and or behavioral supports).

SAFETY FIRST, SAFETY LAST, SAFETY ALWAYS, is something I have modeled and taught successfully to pre-K (four-year-olds) through older adult learners during a 49-year career [AND COUNTING!] as an Educator, Supervisor, lay counselor, and certified personal coach. It helped me survive my generation's first and ongoing pandemic(HIV/AIDS). I continue to survive the current pandemic as I continue to survive the COVID-19 ( and variants) pandemic.

(C) VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2021. All rights reserved.



Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.