When the future of a USPS that serves the world is at stake, an ACT.COM fund raiser for Pete Aguilar is an Inappropriate Response
Good morning, gentle reader:
These were my reflections after a 61 years as a participant-observer of life as a black gay male survivor of abuse based on skin color. My life as a participant observer, like all of our lives, was a systemic, sustained, pervasive, profound, and persistent process with origins scattered throughout human history. Untold millions have died needlessly to get me to this point. Consequently, I write, teach, speak, sing, embrace and practice humor and laughter, promote reading and language fluency and mastery, and most urgently, encourage and promote conversation between and among all living things in the service of a planet called Earth that works for all of its inhabitants.
My "muse" for this essay:
No one should have to pay anyone money to run for elected office.
Who is Pete Aguilar?
What has he done to prevent the USPS Secretary from dismantling the USPS?
What ideas do Pete Aguilar and his team have to get the USPS restored so that it can better fulfill its mission: to deliver mail to each addressee in the fastest and most accurate way possible?
As a government service, it should be part of the nations budget. As a global government service, it must find common cause with other global services to better fulfill its mission.
Any change to the USPS' mission requires the approval of the registered voters of the nations served everywhere as the USPS fulfills its mission. When the mission is being changed, it can only change if it is the consensus of every single user that its mission change. This caveat is necessary because the USPS has a global mission to fulfill a global need that is also a necessity. It is a necessity because people are not impeccable with their words and because legally, we can apparently only hold people accountible for what they do and what it is documented that they say.
This is a much more achievable mission when you detach USPS global postal service from capitalism, specifically its demand that the service turn a profit to build generational wealth and power for its current ( and or future) USPS Director. Consider one implication of the previous sentence, as follows:
The team of service providers must earn a living wage commensurate with that of other critical frontline workers due to the fact that they are providing an essential service to meet one or more global citizen's critical communication needs.
For example, all advertising mail is no longer needed at the current volumes that it is produced. Businesses must find other communication methods to advertise their products. This change requires business users to downsize non-life-sustaining/ promoting/supporting mail. In a digital age that must guarantee access to digital content as a fundamental human global need, such global access to the internet of things becomes a human right, thus, a human rights issue.
Eliminating all advertizing from having to be delivered globally by USPS and or all government postal services will reduce the volume of people needed to provide the service. Let's require USPS to determine how much such a change would save us in dollars that could be used to provide postal workers a living wage commensurate with that of other critical frontline workers due to the fact that they are providing an essential service to meet one or more global citizen's critical communication needs.
Business advertizers must use market rate providers, such as UPS and FedEx if they can demonstrate a global need for the paper they use to inform consumers of things they need. Things that people want but are not essential for survival, i.e., mental or physical wellbeing, no longer need clog the supply chain supported by global government postal services.
No one needs to pay for a candidate. They have jobs with specific requirements that citizens need to be fulfilled. For the specific initial focus of this essay, USPS, it is necessary that the electorate establish minimal skill levels needed to accomplish the USPS' global mission: to deliver mail to each addressee in the fastest and most accurate way possible.
To earn votes candidates must demonstrate a history of success in Revision of existing laws and systems to support the mission. Additional, a history of achievement in revocation of laws and systems issues that have never supported the mission is also necessary. One example, discrimation on the basis of race, sexual orientation, gender, age, etc. are no longer viable and were never supportive of the mission. Laws and systems must reflect everyone; they are never intended to harm anyone.
When we take the funding out of candidates campaigning for political office, we can much more efficiently attract candidates who want to do the job in exchange for a living wage as opposed to building personal generational wealth. This discussion now begs the question, why does anyone require building generational wealth? What has building generational wealth ever done to maintain the Democratic Republic as it was defined and or outlined/ framed by America's founding governmental documents, i.e., Declaration of Independence, UN Declaration of on(?) human rights, US Constitution ( Bill of Rights).
By the way, while I have your attention, I want to expand your thinking about all of America's founding documents from rarely considered American president's greatest achivement for the common good: The United Nations. Since our nation, led by Woodrow Wilson, was responsible for collaboration and consensus- building/ negotiation to birth the United Nations, America has an explicit and implicit responsibility to review its current founding documents' congruency and or incongruency with all UN General Assembly- approved Declarations. This job demands persons with a depth and breadth of knowledge regarding all issues involving global citizens of Planet Earth. We the people have no other place as habitable as Earth to sustain human life. We have no other bodies 100% compatible with life on Earth.
This essay is a first attempt at establishing an agenda which starts with America acknowledging its role as a sovereign democratic republic of global citizens united for a global citizenship and stewardship of global human and natural resources. It ends here by issuing a challenge to all sentient human beings to consider how embracing unconditional love and acceptance of self and all others can be a first step towards practicing global citizenship while we still have a planet that daily sustains all life on a basically human-friendly planet. ( This is especially true when compared with sustaining life on the moon or Planet Mars)
The fact that the collaboration of humans and nature has once again produced a deadly virus for which their now must be global testing, diagnosis, vaccination, treatment and a "race for a cure" must be acknowledged as a global call to attention. Specifically, we must challenge ourselves to change for the good of all, with harm to none, and exclusion/ abandonment of no one. From this perspective, embracing unconditional love and acceptance of self and all others as a first step towards practicing global citizenship while we still have a planet that daily sustains all life on a human-friendly planet. Such change must be THE GLOBAL CITIZENS' TOP PRIORITY and or JOB NUMBER 1.
Thank you for always taking the time to read and consider what's possible.
(C) VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2021