Wow, RUSTAM! Thank you for sharing this first-person historical narrative. Speaking as a PanAfricanAmerican “raised” in Christian church’s (multiple denominations, by the way; with over 530 different Bible translations on the BIBLE GATEWAY application alone that have been and continue to be hotly debated by Christians around the world—specifically on issues of the “place”/“roles” of women- IT IS A VIRTUALLY IDENTICAL DEBATE/CONFLICT. I also speak as a degreed theologian- Master of Theology with a concentration in Pastoral Care and Counseling from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA (1991).
Furthermore, as you might be aware, during the 2019 (and ongoing) pandemic, there was extensive New York Times coverage of the plight of students attending some Orthodox Jewish k-12 schools that were functionally illiterate in English, and, if I remember correctly, illiterate in mathematics and science—and these were the boys- the Orthodox Jewish girls/young women are remarkably, often only educated in homemaking skills. So, from my point of view, issues of willful, intentional non-education and or miseducation (again, my particular point of view as my education is predominantly secular) is a common denominator in three of the World’s major religions. I would go so far as to say such egregious and ongoing instances of willful ignorance are the primary catalysts of at minimum 75% of armed deadly force weapons conflicts extant on Planet Earth.
Please continue to shed light on the matters you discuss in this well-written narrative. Homo sapiens need to think about and be in conversation about these AND MANY OTHER EDUCATION issues for the good of the GLOBAL publics.