Yes! Sadly, Brother Beloved Walter Rhein, that is the tragedy if American Public Education in 2022-- educational professionals intentionally DISRESPECTING BIPOC students and teachers in mostly in their Behavioral Choices, which too often includes their attire. In my brief tenure at what I did not expect would be the premature ending to my lifetime of in-person instruction ( due to a combination of COVID-19, and living Black, gay, celibate, and single in the USA) I always attempted to model appropriate ( read washable,stain-retardant, and practical to the assignment, avoiding anything that had to be dry-cleaned). But too many of my mostly OG-MC colleagues looked like they barely cared for themselves or like they were trying to snare a life partner at the nightclub. In all honesty, I now think those younger than me were mostly never taught any better.
Why? Because since I was born ( 1959) we, in the USA in particular, shunned shamed and ridiculed single parents and or parents of Exceptional-but-still-Educable learners of all ages. In November 2022 and going forward, we are now reaping what we have sown. A uniquely USA tragedy. We apparently have become what we have too long lied about/ denied we would ever become- sad caricatures of our better selves.