Member-only story
Luigi Nicholas Mangione
His recent alleged actions fit his given name like a glove. AMAZING, OR JUST COINCIDENCE? A ROMAN IMPERIAL EMPEROR’S REVENGE?
LUIGI — Luigi is a masculine name of Italian origin, meaning “renowned warrior.” It is derived from the German Ludwig, combining the Old High German words hlūt and wīg, which means “famous” and “war,” respectively. However, this household name is most well-known for its association with the Mariofranchise, with Luigi being Mario’s younger brother and sidekick. Where Mario is courageous and daring, Luigi is kindhearted and shy, making them an iconic pair and much loved among fans. Although Luigi is not your typical “renowned warrior,” when it comes down to it, his bravery and heroism are akin to Mario’s, making Luigi a brilliant choice for parents with a nostalgic connection to the tales of the Mushroom Kingdom.
NICHOLAS — The name Nicholas is of Greek origin meaning “victory of the people.” The Greek word nike means “victory” and laos means “people.” Nicholas is often associated with Saint Nicholas, a 4th-century bishop. Saint Nicholas of Myra was an early Christian bishop of Greek descent during the time of the Roman Empire. Nicholas is often associated with Saint Nicholas, a 4th-century bishop. Saint Nicholas of Myra…